Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Song to the Siren

Also famously known (to people of our generation) as the father of Jeff Buckley, Tim Buckley did this gem of a song, and what a cover by Frusciante on his latest solo effort The Empyrean, a gem of an album 'best played as loud as possible in dark living rooms late at night'. Take my word for it, or Frusciante's.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Den Ständiga Resan

This one's a bonus track on Watershed. A bonus indeed. Who knew Marie could do a number like this!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Laisse tomber les filles

France Gall, April March, April March

And thereafter Ms. March english-ised that song with the subject intact, called it CHICK HABIT and it was thusly famously used in Death Proof